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Agile Games Workshop

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Saved by dmitroff@...
on July 29, 2010 at 11:24:16 pm

Play at Work: Applying Agile Methods to Museum Website Development


Get together with other conference attendees and play games in this unique interaction facilitated by Carbon Five, a technology development and consulting firm, and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMOMA).


A special emphasis will be placed on experiential learning through Agile games and exercises, such as "Planning Poker" and "Story Mapping," in this hands-on, interactive session.


Facilitators will demonstrate how a successful partnership between SFMOMA  and Carbon Five has created  a lasting procedural legacy, and how the Agile process continues to provide a tactical toolkit and streamline ongoing development work. Participants will learn first-hand how games and other Agile tools and techniques can be successfully adapted and applied to museum website  development, resulting in rapid delivery, reduced expenses, and improve teamwork. Participants will be strongly encouraged to share their own experiences and learn from each other in this session.


Through games and other facilitated interactions, participants will learn how to:

  • Break down, prioritize, and classify projects to make decisions on what's important
  • Apply these tools and practical applications to any project
  • Establish a sustainable cycle of planning, development, and delivery
  • Avoid spending money and resources on things you don't really need
  • Solve complex problems with simple solutions

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