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DAM Busters

Page history last edited by Nancy Proctor 14 years ago

Paper title: DAM Busters: Digital Asset Management Strategies for Multi-Platform Content Delivery




Regardless of size, museums and cultural institutions are wrestling with how to design, deploy, fund, integrate, migrate, manage and maintain DAMs. While the creation of internal DAMs has become much easier: the cost of storage has dropped, the extensibility of meta data systems has increased, the power of on-the-fly image manipulation systems has improved; the question of where to put one's assets has in fact been enormously complicated by the explosion of social media platforms, open source solutions and proprietary aggregators who offer important benefits in exchange for committing one’s content to them.


DAMs are built to house assets, but their primary purpose is to help us find those assets according to powerful metadata filtering, and retrieve them rapidly in a format appropriate to the platform from which we are requesting them. How do we determine the best architecture and methodology for our DAM based on the ever-changing range of platforms to which our assets can be deployed?


Session Info:


  • Type: Other
  • Keywords: social media, DAM, metadata, asset, interpretation, mobile, media




Titus Bicknell

Titus Bicknell is a technologist, co-founder of pink ink. and TheGalleryChannel.com and co-manager of museummobile.info. Apart from a fascinating stint at NBC Universal in 2007-8 working on the big screen, Titus has spent the last 10 years exploring the small screen both web and hand held. As Chief Engineer at Antenna Audio and subsequently Head of Mobile Technologies at Discovery Communications, he was fortunate to participate in ground breaking hand held projects at Tate Modern, the Louvre, Pompidou, the Intel Museum, and the Getty, among others.  He is currently developing technology solutions for a number of pedagogical experiences and business ventures, and developing tools for the WordPress open source platform.

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