What else will make MCN 2010 memorable and valuable?
- I'd like to see MCN2010 start to build a more permanent knowledge base and resource, both for the future and those who can't attend. Here are some ideas of how to do that:
- Make paper submissions optional, and for those who do submit them, offer a discount on the hotel room, or guarantee that they'll be published (funding or sponsorship would be needed for hotel discount or publishing mechanism).
- Have panelists contribute their material to a wiki as a way to build a body of knowledge/resources around the conference.
- Ask presenters of case studies to prepare a 3-5 page (for example) document that serves as a how-to/resource on their project, and which can be made freely available online.
from Richard Urban:
When I've raised this idea before there have been several objections - but objections that can be easily overcome.
- I don't want to write a paper to come to MCN.
- Solution: Have clearly defined tracks with different levels of participation. Many conferences allow submisisons from papers (5-10 pages), extended abstracts (2-5 pages), posters (1-2 pages). Also it may be possible to have panel/roundtable discussions which don't require a paper at all. I think the challenge is to figure out what the mix of types will be that makes a well rounded conference. There are plenty of existing models to base this on, no need to reinvent the wheel.
- It's too hard/time consuming to collect all the presentations.
- Solution:
A better Any decent conference management tool will allow for the management of iniitial submissions, reviews through to final publications. This isn't something the program chair needs to do, every author is responsible for self-submission. (that doesn't let the Chair off the hook from sending reminders and verifying receipt - but that's easier than manually collecting submissions).
- I think different kinds of publications could be in different forms. The wiki might work for "how-to" kinds of articles that may need to be tweaked in the future to still be useful. But I think there is also something to be said for the permenance of a PDF for longer pieces. Posters can also be a nice way of capturing snapshots of projects that develop over time.
- Also, many conferences are also accepting short video clips of project demonstrations, etc.
Above all I think you need to pick what MCN is going to do up front and clearly communicate that to delegates as soon as possible. Too often it feels like we're try to impose things on folks as the conference is happening or immediately after.
via LinkedIN
jennifer trant slideshare tells us Museums and the Web uploaded 45 conference presentations in 2009 with 36,571 views [avg 813 ea.] http://bit.ly/ce80Ci
MCN 2009: 24 slide shows 6,115 views [avg. 255 ea.] http://is.gd/7dTtO
From Emma Jones:
I agree with Richard here. Other things that could be good to see are
- Possibilty of finding out what kind of specialist knowledge or interest delegates may have. It is a very intense few days and sometimes you miss out on finding someone who it would be really useful to talk to. Sometimes a job description or titile isn't quite enough.
- Present the start of a project at the conference and then keep updating via a wiki etc on how it is progressing. This way delegates don't just hear about something that has finished or not started yet. You can visit it at future conferences to see progress and everyone can benefit from a large pool of experience and perspectives.
I may be crazy, but: let me know if you think we might be able to pull off a "Guerilla Interpretation Event" in Austin during MCN 2010. -from Nancy Proctor
Comments (2)
Nancy Proctor said
at 6:44 pm on Feb 8, 2010
Emma, I really like your ideas. Perhaps as part of the paper proposal process, we can ask people to give us a biography that is aimed at letting others know their skills and areas of expertise, as well as where they are interested in collaborating. And as you say, we could present the proposals and any presentation materials online in such a way that the authors and others can follow up with notes, further questions, outcomes, etc. I think a wiki is probably the way to go but will check with the tech brains of the MCN operation...
Nancy Proctor said
at 6:45 pm on Feb 8, 2010
Thanks for those stats, Jennifer: the reach that is possible by publishing our presentation materials online is staggering, and a powerful motivator to publish more in 2010!
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